We are now in Siem Reap!
The flight was long but totally bearable. We were all able to catch up on our movie watching! We each had our own personal tv at our seats. I guess that is what they give you when you will be on the plane for 14+ hours. We are now at a hotel where we will stay overnight before heading to Poipet tomorrow am. Poipet is where we will spend the majority of our week. Cambodia Hope Organization is located in Poipet. We are looking forward to meeting and serving along side of this team!
So far we all really like it here. We deplaned on the runway and walked into the airport. Very cool!
We rode to the hotel on Tuktuks. Jamey and I rode together and Kelli and Tim rode in another. We rode the smaller kind with a motorcycle in front and a cart/wagon type vehicle on the back that was pulled by the motorcycle. Motorcycles and bicycles seem to be the way most people get around here. We saw a few cars, and buses but not as many compared to the other.
*Here is our view inside of our Tuktuk.
The weather here at night is simialar to Florida at night, we will see what the day time brings! It promises to be really hot here :) most days will be 90.
The ride to the hotel was amazing. It is so refreshing to be able to ride along in the fresh air. We are so closed up in our air conditioned cars back home, I found the fresh air freeing.
But yet sort of ironic as well. In a country that seems to be relaxed and free about things like their vehicles, no helment laws, booths with items for purchase set up along the rode at random intervals {I compare it to our "conveinence stores'} that seem to be placed there at the persons will and not an "official store" {of course I dont actually know this I am just guessing that people are free here to set these little stands up as they please}, I saw a man in a hammock on one corner where his hammock was tied between a fence post and a light post, he had a friend with him who was just hanging out sitting in a chair, we passed a minor accident involving a motorcycle and car. The motorcycle was under neath the front of the car and the motorcycle driver was off to the side of the rode on his knees, appearing to catch his breath, no shoes and no helment and the driver of the car was standing at the door of his car talking to some of the bystanders. This just was not a sceen that I could imagine back home.
As I think about these few things that I have seen in my few hours here that seem so free and like the people have a choice to do things I think about the women and children who are here, right down the street from us, who have no choice, who cannot ride on a Tuktuk and enjoy the freedom of the wind in their hair, or set up a small store on the side of the rode, or to sit in a hammock and talk to a friend.
Anyway those are my thoughts for the night. I am not sure if they even made sense. :)
If you want to know what time it is here and there you can look here or at the picture below. Good night!
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